Hi! My name is Natalie (most people call me Nat) and I am so glad you are here. I've thought about starting a blog for many years, but never had the guts to actually start. I'm at a time in my life where I am having to get out of my comfort zone, so why not start this blog now! I thought for my first post I would share a little about myself.
I am 19 years old and have lived in Knoxville, Tennessee for my entire life. I love living in Knoxville; there's just something about it that makes me never want to leave! A few of my favorites are: my heart and soul, Annie (pictured above with my sister), Tennessee Football, The Office, and wearing pearls. And don't forget about all the great Southern cooking! I am active in my church here in Knoxville, and I'm thankful beyond words for what God has done in my life. Like I talked a little bit about, things in my life are changing. I was supposed to start college last fall, but things didn't really go as planned. I suffer from anxiety and depression. I'll talk about my struggle with it some other time, but I needed to focus on getting myself where I needed to be-mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Fast-forward to January of this year; I had been getting better and was ready to go back to school. And of course, just when you think everything is going great, Satan comes and knocks you down. I had had issues with my hips since I was in seventh grade, and was now told I would need major surgery and as soon as possible. Great, another semester of no school! I was in a really weird place in my life after surgery. I was depressed because I saw all the people I had gone to high school with go to school, make new friends, and have fun while I was stuck at home for 6 weeks. BUT, my God is not a god of confusion. There's a reason all of this happened over the past year. I pray that this blog will encourage others who have experienced similar situations and that they will trust God and wait for his timing and plan. Thanks for stopping by!
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