God of Wonder

Good Monday morning! I hope you had a relaxing weekend! There's 1.5 weeks left of school and I am seriously ready for it to be over. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Have you ever thought about how vast God is? Like really thought about it? There's a quote from "I Still Believe" (if you haven't seen it, grab your tissues and go watch it) that I think of often that reads, "The God of a trillion stars knows my name". Woah. The same One who created an infinite amount of stars created us and knows our names! Does that just blow anyone else's mind??

I like to look at the stars at night and just really think of how many are in the sky. And the thing is, that's only a small fraction of how many there really are. I'll often look at a few different stars and think to myself that God knows the name of that star. He knows where it's located, how long it's been there, and how long it will be there. He knows the name of each star, yet He still loves me enough to know my name and just know me!

There's a song by Highlands Worship called, "Jesus You Alone". This has recently become one of my favorites! The lyric from the graphic is so comforting. Although there are beautiful wonders on Earth, the most beautiful thing we can think of can't even compare to how wonderful He is! He is so incredibly intentional and good!

Have a great week, friends!

Lots of love,
