The Year of God

 Happy New Year! Anyone else glad it’s a new year and 2020 is gone? Granted, there were a bunch of great things that happened like my sister getting married, me getting my Associate’s degree, and starting my dream school; however, I am not sad one bit that this year is over! 

For the past few years I’ve declared the new year “The Year of Nat”. Each year I go into it with the expectation of it being the best year and that so many great things are going to happen for me. Yeah, so far The Year of Nat has not taken place. I really had high hopes for 2020 to be my year. Ha wasn’t that the total opposite? 

What if instead of claiming 2021 to be “our year”, we claimed it to be “The Year of God”? Hear me out here. Instead of putting our expectations and hopes into worldly things for the year, what if we chose to be expectant of what God will do in the coming year? I think if we go into this year with the mindset of wanting God to be the main focus instead of ourselves, perhaps we could have our year through the blessings He gives us. 

Each year I have a word(s) for the upcoming year. This year, my main word is patience. God is trying to teach and show me lots of things but I have to learn to be patient. I want everything to happen now and to know exactly what and when things will happen. Which brings me to my next word: control. I really need to learn to give God control over everything. He ultimately knows what will happen and when. He knows what He’s doing! 

The verse I’m clinging onto as this new year approaches is one I’ve been leaning on for the past few months: Romans 8:28. This verse is so so good! I repeat “we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord” numerous times a day. The verse basically tells us all we need to know. God will make everything work out in His timing and for our good. We don’t have to worry about what is going to happen because He has our best interest in mind!

I’m praying that you have a wonderful year and that God will take you to new places in your faith! Pray about a word/verse that can be your anthem for 2021! 

Lots of love,

